CRA Public File

CRA Public File

The Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) of 1977 encourages banks to help meet the credit needs of the communities in which they do business, including low- and moderate-income neighborhoods.


FirstBank is required to maintain and, upon request, make available for public inspection a complete Community Reinvestment Act Public File, by providing the CRA Public File online. The information provided is current as of April 1 of each year. If you're interested in viewing our CRA Public File, please click on the documents listed below.


You will find each of the components of the Bank’s CRA Public File available for your review. If you would like to receive a copy of this file, please request form to

Consumer Loan Data

Number and amount of loans for each of the prior two calendar years.


Consumer Loans Distribution

Disclosure Statements

All public comments received for the current year and the prior two calendar years. 


CRA Disclosure statement. See Disclosure Statement


Home Mortgage Disclosure Act (HMDA) See Disclosure Statement

Public Comments

We have not received any written comments from our public related to the bank’s performance in helping to meet the credit needs of the community.

CRA Performance Evaluation

A copy of the bank’s most recent CRA Performance Evaluation. 


See: Performance Evaluation


Assessment Areas

A map of each assessment area showing its boundaries and contained within the assessment area delineated by the bank.


Products and Services

A description of Products & Services available through FirstBank.


Note: For updated rates & fees please refer to the bank website or request them to the Branch.


Product & Services list


Checking  Accounts

Savings Accounts

Personal Loans

Credit Cards

Mortgage Loans

Car Loans


Consumer Loan Data

Number and amount of loans for each of the prior two calendar years. 


Consumer Loans Distribution

Disclosure Statements

All public comments received for the current year and the prior two calendar years. 


CRA Disclosure statement. See Disclosure Statement


Home Mortgage Disclosure Act (HMDA) See Disclosure Statement

Public Comments

We have not received any written comments from our public related to the bank’s performance in helping to meet the credit needs of the community.

CRA Performance Evaluation

A copy of the bank’s most recent CRA Performance Evaluation. 


See: Performance Evaluation


Assessment Areas

A map of each assessment area showing its boundaries and contained within the assessment area delineated by the bank.


Products and Services

A description of Products & Services available through FirstBank.


Note: For updated rates & fees please refer to the bank website or request them to the Branch.


Product & Services list


   Last revision 3/2024

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