
Certificate of Deposit

Take advantage of competitive interest rates and make a wise investment for your business with a Certificate of Deposit.

A Certificate of Deposit is a deposit account with a defined term during which attractive interest is earned and which you can use as collateral to secure a loan. 

Icon of people shaking hands.

Freedom to choose, when opening the account, when and how to pay interest

  • Depending on the type of certificate and its maturity term, you can choose to pay the interest monthly, quarterly, biannually, annually or at maturity

  • Payments by check or credit to your account

Cell phone icon with the FirstBank logo on the screen.

Access to your account information through our FirstLine Solutions Center

Libertad para escoger:

Libertad para escoger:

  • Término de la cuenta.

  • Cuándo y cómo se pagan los intereses.

Intereses competitivos.

Intereses competitivos.

Acceso a la información de tu cuenta a través de Tu Banca Digital.

Acceso a la información de tu cuenta a través de Tu Banca Digital.

Si tienes Cuenta BONUS, el balance de tu CD cuenta como parte del balance diario promedio a mantener para evitar el cargo mensual por servicio.

Si tienes Cuenta BONUS, el balance de tu CD cuenta como parte del balance diario promedio a mantener para evitar el cargo mensual por servicio.

  • Licencia de conducir vigente
  • Evidencia de ingresos: últimos dos (2) talonarios o estados financieros, si trabajas por cuenta propia.
  • Evidencia de seguro social / pensión o estados bancarios que reflejen el depósito, de ser aplicable.
  • Recibo de agua o energía eléctrica.

Con esos documentos a la mano,

accede aquí.

Important terms and charges¹
Two cashiers looking at a computer
  • This product is for one or more individuals under the name of a business, special society, club, association, church, or corporation

  • Any withdrawals from the principal amount or any cancellation done before maturity will be subject to penalties

  • Minimum initial deposit: $1,000²

  • Terms range from 7 days to 5 years²

1 Member FDIC. The complete terms and conditions for the account can be found in the disclosures provided at the time of account opening. 2 FirstBank reserves the right to negotiate the minimum deposit amount and the term at the time of account opening.

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