
Business Digital Banking

Routing number: 221571473


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Digital Banking
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Business Digital Banking, accessible via web or mobile application, provides a variety of modular services and functionalities customizable to manage each customers' treasury and banking needs.


Learn more about Business Digital Banking App features here.

With FirstBank modular services you can:

hand holding phone

Access your account at any time 

magnifying glass over column chart

See balances and transactions

overlapping sheets of paper

Create customized reports 

service icons around person

Process payrolls or suppliers payments 

bank and laptop icon linked by arrows

Process wire transfers 

Learn more about our services offering to manage your business.

phone with lock icons around it

Information and reconciliation services

Obtain access 24/7 to information on your accounts and transactions in real time or up to 12 months of transaction history available by downloading a file in BAI2, CVS, Quicken, QuickBooks1, or PDF formats. In addition, you can access your account statements and the Account Analysis statement for more control of your monthly transaction activity.


  • Enables you to always maintain visibility of your account

  • Facilitates your information retention process while providing you with different options to save the reports

  • Facilitates the banking reconciliation process as it can download the report in different formats and upload them to your accounting system

Access 12 months of bank statement history online and download each statement in PDF format at your convenience.




  • Access your bank statement history 24/7 up to the most recent 12 months

  • Access to images of paid checks

With the Account Reconciliation service, you will have the ability to automatically integrate your bank activity with your accounting system to compare on a daily basis your list of issued checks against those that were posted in the account.


There are three types of bank reconciliation:


  1. Full Account Reconciliation: The company's users can manually introduce the issued checks or import them in files before the last day of the reconciliation cycle. This list is automatically compared with the elements posted in the account. The company's users will receive account statements and reports that itemize the paid, pending, and exception elements.
  2. Partial Reconciliation: the company's users receive an account statement for each reconciliation cycle that indicates the total activity of said period.
  3. Deposit Reconciliation: the deposits are reconciled, grouped, and totalized in a list posted at the close of the cycle.




  • Allows greater control of your banking activity

  • Facilitates identification of potential fraud, irregularities, or errors when matching your issued checks against the checks posted in the account


Receive daily notices until 11:00AM of the checks presented for collection through the Clearing House, pending for process at the close of the business day. With this service, you will be able to anticipate potential overdrafts or excess funds in your accounts for the next day and it will help you effectively manage your liquidity position.




  • Daily notice of checks when processed

  • Efficient management of your funds

  • Maximization of your investment opportunities


DVD-ROM allows you to save and immediately access the information you need about your checks. This service helps your company to function with higher productivity in the handling of paid checks. Receive a monthly DVD-ROM with paid checks and a PDF of your account statement.


You also have the option to search and download electronically up to 12 months of image history of checks, deposits, credits, and /or debits in your account with the Images Search service.




  • Up to 25,000 paid checks in a DVD-ROM with images of both sides of your checks

  • Easy and quick access to transaction images

Our offering includes two types of letters:


  • Import:

The Import Letters of Credit provide confidence in your transactions through our support. Also, it gives suppliers the security of receiving your payment as long as they meet all the terms and conditions stipulated in the Letter of Credit.


  • Export

We will provide assistance in the preparation of the required documents in your Export Letter of Credit to help you comply with the required terms and conditions and speed up the acceptance and/or payment.

person paying service from phone

Transactional Services

Transfer money between your accounts at any time.


Transferring cash between your accounts is now easier and done in real time. Just by selecting the accounts and the balance to transfer, you may send it instantly and receive immediate confirmation of the transaction.




  • You will receive confirmation once the transaction is completed

  • Ability to manage high volume of transfers

  • Monitor transfers in real time

  • Ability to manage high volume of transfers

Make money transfers without border limits.


Simplify the process of sending money abroad with the wire transfer service, which will allow you to send money instantly to accounts in U.S. territories or abroad. This service allows you to generate transfers instantly in a quick and easy way.




  • Domestic transfers effective almost immediately

  • International transfer with foreign currency exchange, such as the Euro, Peso Mexicano, and Australian Dollar, among others

  • Transaction history for 12 months

  • You can set approval levels

  • Notices when the transaction is completed or received.

Benefit from the alternative that allows you to manage all your payments and collections electronically through ACH (Automated Clearing House), the electronic payment and collection network comprised of corporations, financial institutions, and individuals in the United States, Puerto Rico, and U.S. Virgin Islands. Through the ACH service, you can make:


1. Direct deposit to employees

Automate payroll process and help your company operate more efficiently by quickly sending direct deposits to your employees' accounts.


2. Direct payment to suppliers

It allows you to automatically debit the payments from your commercial account and credit them to the accounts of your suppliers at any banking institution participating in the ACH network.


3. Direct payment to ASUME

It allows you to support your employees with financial matters by processing their payments to ASUME electronically.


4. Direct payment to EFTPS


With ACH, you can also send payments through the EFTPS (Electronic Federal Tax Payment System). With this system—enforced by the U.S. Department of the Treasury—you can issue your payments electronically at any time. In addition, you'll have the most secure privacy protection measures enforced by the federal government.

You may pay two types of taxes using EFTPS: FICA (Federal Insurance Contribution Act) or 941 for Social Security and Medicare FUTA (Federal Unemployment Tax Act) or 940.




  • Simplify payroll

  • Reduce operational expenses

  • Access and maintain 12-month payment history

  • Reduce risks and costs associated to check issuance

  • Speed up your collections processes

Make utility and supplier payments in a single system


Our Commercial Bill Payment service allows you to issue, schedule, or cancel electronic bill payments from the list of merchants previously defined in our payment platform.




  • Keep online history of all processed payments

  • Register your recurrent payments

  • Centralizes your payment channels and monitors your balances

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Fraud Prevention Services

Keep control of the checks to be paid from your account.


They are fraud prevention tools that help you detect altered and forged checks proactively. Positive Pay electronically matches the account number, check number, and the amount of money in dollars (name of the beneficiary of the check) of each check presented for collection through the Clearing House against the list of checks issued daily through the Business Digital Banking platform. Any discrepancies are filed as exceptions pending your decision to pay or return by 11:00AM. In addition, Teller Positive Pay helps you instantly detect any fraudulent check, presented for collection, through our branch network, which mitigates your disbursement risk and helps you avoid impacting your disbursement account.




  • Greater disbursement control

  • Decide which check must be paid

  • Avoids cashing of unauthorized, stolen, or duplicate checks

  • Automates your check reconciliation process

Avoids unauthorized debits from your account.


Through ACH Positive Pay, you decide which ACH debits enter your account, as you have the option to reject or pay any ACH debit presented as an exception.




  • Avoids unauthorized ACH Debits

  • Avoids unauthorized ACH Debits

  • Greater control of your debits

ACH Block allows you to block your accounts from being affected by any ACH-generated electronic transactions while enabling you to define specific companies that can debit from your account.




  • Greater debit control

  • Efficient accounting processes

Keep control of the checks you pay.


Process payment cancellation orders of your checks issued in your checking accounts and at any time. Just by making a few clicks, you may issue a stop payment of one or several checks, as well as cancel the stop payment through the same platform. You will receive confirmation once the process has been completed.




  • Immediately and easily received3

  • Keep a record of all the stop payments made online

  • Eliminates the risk of manual processes and delays

billetes con felchas a su alrededor

Collection Services

ACH Collections allows you to make preauthorized debits from your clients' accounts to facilitate your collections process and update your accounts receivable. In case a transaction is returned, you will receive a detailed report of the returned collection on Business Digital Banking.

With our Re-Presentment service, your ACH debit will be automatically processed up to two times before it is finally debited from your account, facilitating your collections process.




  • Simplify payroll

  • Reduce operational expenses

  • Access and maintain 12-month payment history

  • Reduce risks and costs associated to check issuance

  • Speed up your collections processes

Increase your payment centers through FirstBank's branches and the network of cooperatives associated to our corporation.


With this service, you can make all FirstBank branches (and cooperatives affiliated to our network) into payment centers for your company, providing a broad physical network at which your clients can make payments. Through the Payment Station service, FirstBank receives the payments, bills, receipts, or vouchers from your company and processes them to create and send you a file with the received payments.




  • Larger payment center network

  • Receive direct credit to your FirstBank account

  • Receive an electronic report or file detailing the received payments

Manage your received payments. Retail & Wholesale Lockbox.


For businesses that receive a considerable volume of payments with coupons or bills through mail, FirstBank will effectively process automatic collection thereof and send you an electronic file to update your accounts receivable. By designating a post office box exclusively for your company, it benefits from the collection, organization, and deposit of the payments made by your clients, so that they are quickly available in your account.




  • Reduce the time it takes to process your deposits

  • Reduce operational costs

  • Maximize the efficiency and productivity of your company

  • Receive an electronic report or file of payments received to update your accounts receivable system

Receive payments from your clients through FirstBank's digital platforms with the Commercial Bill Payments for Billers service, which allows you to automate your collection channels and receive guaranteed and direct credit to your account as we verify the availability of your clients' funds before we process the transaction.




  • Receive direct credit for the total payments received into the account

  • Reduce the volume of returned transactions

  • Speed up fund availability

phone with multiple amounts on screen

Account Services

Designed for companies that control and monitor their operations in separate accounts for deposits, electronic credits, payments to suppliers, payroll, and other debits. By linking these accounts to a concentration account, you can automatically transfer the net result to your funds account while keeping a final balance of zero at the end of the day for said accounts.




  • Optimizes management of your funds

  • Greater control of your revenues

  • Minimizes the risk of daily overdraft

  • Cost effective funds transfer

  • Account information and management through Business Digital Banking

The concentration account service allows you to make quick decisions on your net cash position of the prior business day in a concentration account by automatically transferring the impact of your transactional activity for credits and debits in your accounts set up as Zero Balance.




  • Greater control of funds and balances

  • Optimizes management of your funds

  • Account information and management through Business Digital Banking

Your available funds are transferred automatically to the investment portion of the commercial account on a daily basis, which provides greater efficiency in your balances and allows you to earn interests on your available funds.




  • Earn interests

  • Maintains greater control of your funds and balance availability

hand holding phone horizontally

Deposit Services

Deposit your checks remotely without having to visit the bank.


Smart Check is a service that allows you to deposit your checks from anywhere and at any time. You don't have to leave the office to make deposits. Electronically scan and process the checks you receive into your account.




  • You can make deposits 24/7, without having to visit the bank.

  • Save time and money

  • Increase your business cash flow

  • Speed up the identification of bounced checks

  • Reduce costs and improve operational processes

  • Consolidate the deposits of all your commercial locations

Make cash deposits from your locations in a quick and convenient way.


With Smart Cash, you can make cash deposits from the comfort of your office through a security vault that allows your money to be processed and registered as an automatic deposit, which brings you flexibility and security. This service requires additional contracting with a transportation company that withdraws the funds from the vault at least twice a week.




  • Speedy cash processing

  • Save in transportation

  • Reduce the risk of discrepancies

  • Provide detailed reports of depositors and daily balancing (per store and employee)

  • Prevent fraud and theft

Forget about the bank's closing hours and deposit your checks and cash anytime.


With the Night Depository service, you can deposit in the drop box at any of our branches at any time during the night and have the funds available in your account the next business day.




  • Avoid lines in the bank

  • Special lock bags for greater security

  • Deposit cash and checks at any time

  • Avoid having to carry large amounts of cash on hand

  • Deposits will be made during the morning of the following business day.

Money Counting provides the advantage of daily receipt and processing your business cash and check deposits through the service of armored trucks hired by your company. When set up under this service, your company may make operational cash requests through recurrent instructions or the Web Cash Ordering system. Both channels will allow you to maintain control of all the orders processed per location, as well as to speed up the disbursement process.




  • Greater control of cash deposits and orders

  • Visibility of processes per location

  • It helps you decrease potential fraud cases while maximizing your operations.

Person holding phone with trade icon on screen

Merchants (POS)

Simplify operations in your company by installing POS terminals that accept Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express, and debit cards. Adapting to your client's availability will stimulate their satisfaction and your revenues.




  • Electronic transaction authorization.

  • Revenues are automatically deposited to your checking account.

  • Accessible for commercial establishments since they can be installed at several points in your store.

  • Fund availability within 24 hours.

  • Reduces the possibility of fraud and theft.

  • Reduces check management costs.

  • Monthly statements with detailed transactions.

  • Technical support available 24 hours, 7 days a week by phone.

  • EMV, Contactless, and Mobile Wallets

  • Online portal to monitor POS terminal activity and generate reports.

  • Connectivity options: analogous, IP, wireless (Dual), WiFi, mobile


Subject to monthly lease fees per type of equipment, service fees, and brand processing fees.


Smart POS terminals that help merchants manage their business. Different options for PVOT cash registers and POYNT terminals to cover your establishment's needs.




  • Accepts cash, ATH PIN debit, credit cards, EMV/Chip, contactless, and EBT

  • Send sales receipts via email and text

  • Barcode scanning

  • Signature Capture

  • Reports on transactions, orders, settlements, taxes, and items. Reports on transactions, orders, settlements, taxes, and items.

  • Variable item prices

  • Product modifiers

  • Discounts & fees

  • Bulk product import to register application

  • Employee management and permissions in the terminal

  • App store to expand terminal functionality via apps

Receive payments from your clients in your commercial account, at any time and any place, with the convenience and security of ATH Business. You will obtain a unique pATH or name to identify your business in ATH Móvil, so that your clients can pay you.


Requires a single-signature commercial account and ATH debit card. Subject to a fixed rate per transaction.





Accept ATH Móvil as a payment method in your POS. Clients can scan a unique QR Code for your business and use it to pay through the app. This code is paired with your POS terminal, and once the payment is completed, the client will receive the purchase receipt via email.


Learn how it works in this video

Receive online payments safely

Our service provides the ability to process online transactions or connectivity to ecommerce solutions to authorize online payments.


Checkout is an online payment solution that allows merchants to accept electronic payments easily, through a website for credit cards, debit cards (including ATH® PIN debit card, the most widely used card in Puerto Rico), checking and savings accounts through the ACH network, as well as quick payment wallets.




  • Provides the highest security standards and complies with all the electronic payment rules and regulations, including the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (PCI DSS).

  • Two integration methods:

  • Web Checkout

  • Direct Connection (H2H)

  • Virtual PIN Pad

  • Supports PC & Mobile Browsers

  • Email Payment Confirmation

Provides the ability to integrate and establish connectivity with various partner payment platforms.


  • Provides the Merchant the opportunity to connect their transactional business solution with FirstBank processor.


Subject to implementation, service, and brand fees. Gateway services will depend in compatibility with merchant’s solution.


Transaction Central

Through this solution, the merchant has the option to contract the following services:


Recurring payments solution automates the process of collection that is performed periodically.



  • Customer authorizes Merchant to charge a credit card or bank account for a predetermined amount for a determined time.

  • Instead of processing transactions manually, Merchant configures a recurring payment that will be process automatically.

  • Automated notifications of payment reminder (7days), completed or decline

  • Payment receipt delivery by email

  • Import, Export Database options

  • PCI Compliant

  • Settlement Dr & Cr Cards 11:00pm

  • Settlement ACH 3:00pm

  • Dashboard Capabilities

  • Multiuser

  • Schedule and single payment process

  • Two years Transaction History


Option of enabling batch payments transactions simplifying the processing of payments with different amounts.


  • Permits processing a file with multiple payments of various amounts in a single transaction.

  • Ideal for pre-authorized payments under frequent billing recurrence.

  • Processes credit card and ACH transactions.


Virtual terminal is a web application to process payments online through any web browser. Accepts credit card and ACH payments.


  • Taxes, tips, and security validation (CVV) can be configured.

  • Customer data base capability available to maintain demographic information and of payments.

  • Manages refunds

  • Activity Reports

Make your clients' lives easier.


Receive telephone payments with Call Center Pay, a web app developed to process credit card and ACH deposit payments; capable of managing unlimited users.


With Call Center Pay, the funds are deposited automatically to the merchants' bank accounts, providing them access to their payment history reports.

IVR allows the merchant’s customers to make their payments via phone call by interacting with an automated voice system.


  • With this option, merchant does not have to invest in their own equipment or infrastructure because the system resides at Evertec's facilities.


Allows merchant to process the following payment types:


  • ACH payments using a personal or commercial checking or savings account from banking institutions in Puerto Rico or the United States participating in the ACH network.

  • Payments with VISA, MasterCard, or American Express debit or credit cards. These transactions are processed in real time after receiving online authorization.


Features and benefits:


  • Call handling with pre - recorded messages

  • Command confirmation via the telephone touch tones

  • 24X7 Availability

  • Can be implemented in two modalities

  • Outsource - Using EVERTEC’s server infrastructure and script.

  • H2H - Implementing EVERTEC’s Web Service using the customer’s or financial institutions hardware and script

The kiosks are designed specifically to be installed in commercial offices or branches.


  • Handles cash, checks, credit, and debit card collection services.

  • Allow for easy development of invoice payment and guided sales applications to achieve operational efficiency and improve customer service, in turn leading to higher revenues and profitability.


Some of the payment kiosks features are:


  • Search payoff balance online

  • Interactive promotional video

  • Personalize branding

  • Semi-integrated pin pad

  • Check scanner

  • Receipt printer (also available thru SMS or e-mail)

woman talking on his phone

Start with a free evaluation.

Call us at 787-729-9290 (option #2)

First Commercial Service Center, Monday to Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. 

Member FDIC. Certain additional terms and conditions may apply. Services available only to FirstBank business customers. Smart Cash Management Solutions services are subject to charges and subscription of additional services. Customers must have accounts with FirstBank and be registered in the Smart Cash Management service.

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