
Social Responsability

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As a commercial bank, we recognize the unique challenges small businesses face and we strive to help them succeed and promote financial inclusion. This is why  we have provided more than $300 million in loans to small businesses.


People in green painting a wall


As a commercial bank, we recognize the unique challenges small businesses face and we strive to help them succeed and promote financial inclusion. This is why in 2021, we provided more than $350 million in loans to small businesses.

In support of small business owners, in 2023 we originated over 6,117 loans amounting to over $379 million across our three operating regions.

Providing access to affordable housing is critical to the stability of families and individuals. That's why we are committed to always striving to finance reasonable housing units to the extent possible. In 2023, we originated more than 783  loans totaling $122 million in federal mortgage guarantee programs.

For more than ten years, we have supported Habitat for Humanity Puerto Rico, a non-profit organization dedicated to creating housing opportunities for low-income individuals and families. We focus our support on housing construction and rehabilitation projects, such as the "Un Toque de Cariño" program. During 2023, FirstBank supported the “Home Repair” Program that aims to help low-income families or individuals to repair and improve permanently their owned houses damaged by natural disasters in Puerto Rico, or in need of a resilient home across the rural area of Caguas, where 36% of the families are living below the poverty line.

$469 million in loans

As of December 31, 2023, we had 53 community development loans in circulation, for a total of $469 million in all regions where we operate. As of the same date, total qualified investments under the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) Program were approximately $192.3 million.


$1.4 million in donations

Including approximately $1,000,000 in donations under the CRA, to over 130 non-profit organizations. 

As of December 31, 2021, we’ve originated over 14,000 loans amounting to over $746 million, providing much-needed support to small business owners across our three operating regions.

Providing access to affordable housing is critical to the stability of families and individuals. That's why we are committed to always striving to finance affordable housing units to the extent possible. In 2021, we originated more than 1,200 loans totaling $187 million in federal mortgage guarantee programs.

For more than ten years, we have supported Habitat for Humanity Puerto Rico, a non-profit organization dedicated to creating housing opportunities for low-income individuals and families. We focus our support on housing construction and rehabilitation projects, such as the "Un Toque de Cariño" program, and on providing construction job training to women through the "Women Who Build" program.

$199.3 million in loans

As of December 31, 2021, we had 54 community development loans in circulation, for a total of $199.3 million in all regions where we operate. As of the same date, total qualified investments under the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) Program were approximately $192 million.


$1 million in donations

Including approximately $673,000 in donations under the CRA, to over 130 non-profit organizations. 


Woman smiles on computer call


In partnership with INprende, in 2023 we developed the initiative 1ÉXITO Entrepreneurs 2023. Approximately 550 entrepreneurs participated in our virtual program. The virtual program topics included: finance management, marketing strategies, the ABCs of entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial innovation.

Woman speaks before a group

Learn, Act and Inspire Summit

For the first time, during 2023 we organized an educational event specifically tailored to nonprofit organizations, attracting over 150 representatives from nonprofits in Puerto Rico. The full-day event featured forums addressing topics focused on enhancing nonprofits' operational effectiveness.

grupo guayacan

Grupo Guayacán and EnterPRize

We support Grupo Guayacan, Inc., a private sector-driven non-profit organization whose mission is to foster, promote, and develop private equity in Puerto Rico. Through their EnterPRize business-building competition, they provide startups with access to workshops, mentoring, and equity-free seed capital. In 2023, we continued to support this initiative by providing grants to competing participants, and a special cash prize in the Environment and Conservation category. Our commercial officers offered coaching sessions to all participants on finances, pricing, profitability, sustainability, crisis management, and other topics.

One With the Environment

Our Corporate Social Responsibility Program, “One with the Environment,” promotes ecological conservation and protection of natural resources. In 2023, we donated approximately $51,000 towards environmental initiatives across our regions.


Our efforts are focused on three main categories: reforestation, recycling, and energy management.

Paisaje verde con un río

One With the Environment

Our Corporate Social Responsibility Program, “One with the Environment,” promotes ecological conservation and protection of natural resources. 


Our efforts are focused on three main categories: reforestation, recycling, and energy management.

We take action by:

Vector de planta verde

Granting $5,000 to Friends of El Yunque Foundation, an organization that focuses on the preservation of the only tropical rainforest managed by the U.S. Forest Service. 

Vector de símbolo de reciclaje

In 2023, we recycled:


  • 843,092 pounds of paper

  • 15,000 pounds of heavy metals

  • 18,500 pounds of wood

  • 7,740 pounds of cardboard and single stream plastics

  • 4,776 pounds of batteries

  • 18,000 pounds of carpet tiles

  • 2,160 pounds of organic waste

This translates into the following benefits:


  • 2,544.30 CO2 emissions avoided

  • 10,640 trees preserved

  • 130.01 landfill space conserved

Vector de arbol

Supporting our main reforestation initiative, “Crece Verde,” established in 2010, which has distributed approximately 33,400 trees

impacting approximately 136 communities across various municipalities in Puerto Rico.

Vector de manos sosteniendo tierra y una planta

In 2021, we made a five-year commitment to donate $5,000 every year until 2026, for a total of $25,000, to San Patricio Urban Forest in Puerto Rico for its conservation and rehabilitation. 

Vector de planeta verde rodeado de planta

As part of our 75th anniversary celebrations we launched our main reforestation initiative “Rescate Costero”. This initiative is done in collaboration with government entities, academic institutions, nonprofit organizations, and commercial businesses with a commitment to sustainability. “Rescate Costero” is a three-year program through which we pledged to plant 25,000 trees along the coastal lines of Puerto Rico to mitigate the effects of coastal erosion. 


Future generations deserve to enjoy the environment that we get to enjoy today. Together we can make it happen.

We have also contributed with:

Hand holding shredded paper fragments.

Pounds of paper recycled and shredded

2 Millions pounds

Woman opens her arms to the forest.

Recycled electronic and mobile equipment through Dona tu Celu program

19,000 units

Our People

We strive to be recognized as a leading diversified financial institution that offers a superior customer and employee experience. We believe that the key to our success is to take care of our employees as much as we take care of our customers. Our goal is to be an employer of choice within our operating regions, which we believe is achieved and maintained by adding value to our employees' lives and providing a rewarding and evolving work experience. The heart of our employer value proposition, "The Experience of Being 1," encompasses our commitment to the well-being, success, professional development and work environment of our employees.

Our People

We strive to be recognized as a leading and diversified financial institution offering a superior experience to our clients and employees. We believe that the key to our success is caring about our employees as much as we care about our customers.


Our goal is to be an employer of choice within our operating regions, which we believe is achieved and sustained by adding value to our employees’ lives and providing a rewarding and evolving work experience. The heart of our employer value proposition, “The Experience of Being 1”, encompasses our commitment to our employees’ well-being, success, professional development, and work environment.

Woman smiling.

Our People

We strive to be recognized as a leading diversified financial institution that offers a superior customer and employee experience. We believe that the key to our success is to take care of our employees as much as we take care of our customers. Our goal is to be an employer of choice within our operating regions, which we believe is achieved and maintained by adding value to our employees' lives and providing a rewarding and evolving work experience. The heart of our employer value proposition, "The Experience of Being 1," encompasses our commitment to the well-being, success, professional development and work environment of our employees.

42% of our employees

Nearly half of our employees have worked with the Corporation for more than 10 years. We value our employees' commitment as evidenced by our workforce's long tenure.

+123 health and well-being initiatives

In 2023 we held 123 well-being initiatives, with the participation of around 17,000 employees.


+521 employees

During 2023, we supported more than 521 employees, over 17% of our workforce, including their dependents, through our EAP, which is available to all employees 24 hours a day, seven days a week. 

99,000 hours of training and development

In 2023, our workforce received around 99,000 hours of training across all our regions, with an average of 28 hours of training per employee.

Diversity of Our Workforce as of December 31, 2023
Three smiling women.


are women

Woman speaks next to a board.


are women in management positions


Woman speaks into a headset microphone.


are women in the executive leadership team


Smiling man makes okay sign
Smiling man makes okay sign
  • Through the Corporation's employee program, known as SOY FirstBank, we aim to support and reinforce our commitment to our communities. In 2023, 460 employees donated 2,154 volunteer hours impacting 30 nonprofits across the regions where we operate. 

  • During 2023, our employees provided 338 workshops, amounting to over 426 hours, assisting more than 6,926 individuals of all ages with enhancing their financial literacy skills.  

Investment and development fund
Investment and development fund
Community Investment and Development Fund
  • As part of our commitment, we have developed the Community Investment and Development Fund (CIDF). The CIDF focuses on two areas of investment: the Community Reinvestment Program and the Corporate Social Responsibility Program.

Reinvestment program
Reinvestment program
Community Reinvestment Program

The Community Reinvestment Program focuses exclusively on initiatives that meet the requirements of the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA). The Program aims to serve low or moderate-income individuals, families, and communities in our areas of operation. Our priority under this program is to contribute to projects and initiatives that are developed and managed by non-profit organizations, or through partnerships between the public and private sectors, and non-profit organizations.


Under the program, the areas of interest are:

  • Financial education and knowledge

  • Housing and economic development

  • Social and community development

  • Revitalization of the environment and the community

How to Apply

We will accept CDIF financing applications based on program criteria. Complete the Donation Application and send it to:


Donation Application

View PDF
  • Community Reinvestment Program

CRA Officer

Compliance Department

  • Sponsorship Proposals

For evaluation,

please send them to:

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