
Life Insurance

Routing number: 221571473


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Term Life Insurance

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Protect yourself and your family members with a reliable and affordable life insurance plan. Level-term life insurance allows a specific timeframe selection, usually among terms of 10, 20, and 30 years. Also, your insurance term may be similar to your mortgage loan.


This cover does not accumulate cash value; therefore, if the insured outlives the policy, the beneficiaries will not receive any insurance payment.


Moreover, if the needs of the insured change during the term of the policy, most of our providers will let you switch to a permanent plan.


old couple walking at the beach

Whole Life Insurance

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A permanent life policy with fixed premium payments for as long as you live. It also provides an alternative saving option because the premium paid allows the accumulation of cash value.


Its performance is guaranteed over accumulated interest value. Therefore, you may be eligible to earn dividends or have the alternative to ask for a loan against the accumulated cash value. To be issued, it is important to maintain up-to-date monthly premium payments and required medical check-ups.


This product comes with add-ons, such as: Waiver of Premium, Accidental Death, and Accelerated Death benefits in case a terminal illness is diagnosed among others.

smiling family of four with two baby kids

Universal Life Insurance

FirstBank  Insurance

It provides you with the flexibility you want by letting you choose the amount of coverage, amount to be paid (you can adjust it according to your budget), and cash value to be accumulated. The product is a permanent life insurance policy that has a non-guaranteed cash value. Nevertheless, said cash values may be used to create a college savings fund for your kids, have additional income for retirement, and take loans against its accumulated cash value.


The coverage period is flexible, being able to last for your entire life. Hence, the policy could be in force until its maturity, usually between 95 to 100 years of age. When the due date is reached, the coverage ends, and you receive the accumulated cash value. Given the flexible nature of this type of policy, it should be evaluated annually.


This product comes with add-ons, such as: Waiver of Premium, Accidental Death, and Accelerated Death Benefits in case terminal illnesses are diagnosed, among others.

doctor holding an old lady hand

Cancer and Dreaded Disease Plans

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Reduce your financial anxiety in case you or a family member gets diagnosed with cancer or any other dreaded disease (heart attack or chronic disease).


This product usually processes the benefits through expense reimbursements, providing compensation as a lump sum payment.




  • Hospitalization

  • Nursing care

  • Chemotherapy

  • Radiotherapy

  • Blood and plasma transfusions

  • Other medical services


Additional coverage for:


  • Hospital expense compensation for accidents and other causes

  • Intensive care

  • Organ transplant


The policy will pay for additional benefits, regardless of whether your current health plan covers them or not. 



Contact Us

St Thomas & St John: 340.775.8519

St Croix: 340.772.6227



FirstBank Insurance Agency, Inc





This is only a general description of coverage. For further information you should consult your policy to know the terms, limitations, and general conditions. Insurance products are not deposits, not FDIC insured, not insured by other federal government agencies, not guaranteed by FirstBank or any of its subsidiaries and may lose value.



Product not available in the BVI.

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