Personal Auto Insurance is the term for policies that protect your vehicle by allowing you to integrate most of our plans.
This policy is paid annually and covers four main areas:
Liability: Covers any personal or property damage caused by a car accident in case you turn out to be legally responsible for it.
Comprehensive: Covers damages to the insured vehicle from causes other than collisions, such as vandalism, fire, and theft.
Collision: Pays for the damages to the insured vehicle caused by a collision with another car or object.
Medical expenses: Covers the medical and funeral expenses of the auto occupants when the damages are received while in the insured vehicle.
This is only a general description of coverage. For further information you should consult your policy to know the terms, limitations, and general conditions. Insurance products are not deposits, not FDIC insured, not insured by other federal government agencies, not guaranteed by FirstBank or any of its subsidiaries and may lose value.
Product not available in the BVI.