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When is it necessary to remodel your house? All you need to know!

07 March 2023

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10 min

When is it necessary to remodel your house? All you need to know!

You may love your home, the location, and the neighborhood, but maybe something isn't quite right. Your home may be decked out with outdated kitchen cabinets and fixtures, or a design that dates back decades. You can also have new members in the household, such as a baby.

You know you need to change something. But how do you know when your home needs to be remodeled? We made a list of reasons to remodel your house that will help you decide if it is time to start renovating it.

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Reasons to Remodel your Home

Renovations can be expensive and time consuming. Even so, many people decide to renovate their homes for different reasons. There are almost as many reasons to remodel your home as there are projects to choose from. These are the main ones:

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  • Increase the comfort or enjoyment of the home


Although there are many good reasons to renovate your home, comfort is an essential factor you should not overlook. If you remodel only thinking about how it will affect the sale price in the future, you could end up living in a house that doesn't feel like a home. Owning a home is more important than the improvements that will earn you more money if you decide to sell.


  • Your House Shows Signs of Deterioration


Some home renovation projects cannot be postponed. Electrical problems, leaks, or a crack in the foundation are some of the issues that must be taken care of to keep the family safe and avoid a severe or total loss.


There may be structural problems due to the deterioration, such as a leaky roof, rotted planks on a porch, or chimney and foundation re-propping needs. Or it could be that the carpets are showing a decade or more of wear and tear, or the tiles are peeling in the kitchen or bathroom.


Home decay issues should not be neglected, as they can lead not only to more costly problems down the road (such as a broken roof, foundation, or porch failure) but also might affect your relationship with the home and its ability to sell it in the future.


  • Increase the Value of the House


If you plan to sell the house in the future, you may want to renovate it to get a better price when you put it on the market. Some of the upgrades that generate more value are opening  the house’s main space or replacing the main door.


  • Improving the functionality of the house


Generating spaces or having a second bathroom that facilitates mobility is essential. A game room, a terrace, or a patio to enjoy the outdoors can make your house a place all your friends want to visit. Renovating to make the home work better for residents and visitors is a good idea, as long as the improvements don't hurt the home's value or decrease usable space.


The most efficient houses are also more attractive to buyers if they want to sell, since they know the costs will be lower in an energy-efficient house.


  • Updating the House Style


An older house can have an outdated appearance that makes it less attractive to buyers. It is a mistake to update the house style based on new trends and only as a way to prepare the house for a quick sale. The best bet is to use timeless styles that send the message of sophistication.


  • Preparing the House for Sale


When the main objective of the reforms is to sell the house, the choices must reflect what can help the sale the most. Neutral colors, value-added upgrades, and fixing any aesthetic or functional issues will help get the home in tip-top shape for resale.


Remodeling a home can be a worthwhile investment for many homeowners. Talk to a Loan Counselor to learn about all our home loan options to help make your dream project a reality.


With our Home Loan Options, remodeling your home is no longer just a dream.


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