
Commercial Insurance

Routing number: 221571473


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Business Insurance

We made this plan flexible to meet the unique needs and risks of your business. With it, you can select two or more of the following policies: Commercial Property, Equipment Breakdown, Commercial General Liability, among others.

Commercial Package

We made this plan flexible to meet the unique needs and risks of your business. With it, you can select two or more of the following policies: Commercial Property, Equipment Breakdown, Commercial General Liability, among others.

Equipment Breakdown

If your business requires the use of boilers and machinery, including specialized equipment, here is a policy that covers the damages, so you can keep your business operating even after a breakdown.

Business Interruption and Overhead Expense

We recognize the importance of maintaining the stability of a business. With this plan, you can receive compensation in case of a loss of earnings, helping you cover your fixed-business costs.

Business Owner's Policy

A cost-effective combination of property, liability, and business interruption insurance. This policy protects small- and medium-sized businesses against property damages and representative actions (or lack thereof) that may cause injuries or property damages to another individual.


We offer an array of bonds aimed at the protection of your business:



  • Bid, payment and performance bonds

  • License and permit bonds: real estate agencies, travel agencies, employment agencies

  • Judicial bonds

  • Miscellaneous bonds

  • Fidelity bonds to protect yourself against the actions of a disloyal employee

Director's & Officers Liability (D&O Liability)

Covers the directors and officers, in their personal capacity, for wrongful decisions taken during their duties.

Errors & Omissions Liability (E&O)

Covers errors and omissions that you as a professional may be responsible for, or that your customer perceives you are responsible for, and result in any financial disadvantage to you or your company.

Employment Practices Liability

Protects you and company against legal action taken by employee for harassment, discrimination, wrongful termination, defamation, and invasion of privacy charges.

Buy and Sell Agreement

An agreement concept amongst the owners of a business that allows the firm or partners to buy the interest of an owner who withdraws or dies. The withdrawing partner or heirs will sell to the firm or partnership at a price fixed by amount or by formula. 

Key Man Insurance

A disability or life insurance policy designed to protect an employer from the loss of an individual employee whose special skills or experience are vital to the firm. 

We made this plan flexible to meet the unique needs and risks of your business.  With it, you can select two or more of the following policies: Commercial Property, Equipment Breakdown, Commercial General Liability, among others.

We made this plan flexible to meet the unique needs and risks of your business. With it, you can select two or more of the following policies: Commercial Property, Equipment Breakdown, Commercial General Liability, among others.

If your business requires the use of boilers and machinery, including specialized equipment, here is a policy that covers the damages, so you can keep your business operating even after a breakdown.

We recognize the importance of maintaining the stability of a business. With this plan, you can receive compensation in case of a loss of earnings, helping you cover your fixed-business costs.

A cost-effective combination of property, liability, and business interruption insurance. This policy protects small and medium-sized businesses against property damages and representative actions (or lack thereof) that may cause injuries or property damages to another individual.

We offer an array of bonds aimed at the protection of your business:

  • Bid, payment and performance bonds.
  • License and permit bonds: real estate agencies, travel agencies, employment agencies.
  • Judicial Bonds.
  • Miscellaneous bonds.
  • Fidelity bonds to protect yourself against the actions of a disloyal employee.

Covers the directors and officers, in their personal capacity, for wrongful decisions taken during their duties.

Covers errors and omissions that you as a professional may be responsible for, or that your customer perceives you are responsible for, and result in any financial disadvantage to you or your company.

Protects you and company against legal action taken by employee for harassment, discrimination, wrongful termination, defamation, and invasion of privacy charges.

An agreement concept amongst the owners of a business that allows the firm or partners to buy the interest of an owner who withdraws or dies. The withdrawing partner or heirs will sell to the firm or partnership at a price fixed by amount or by formula. 

A disability or life insurance policy designed to protect an employer from the loss of an individual employee whose special skills or experience are vital to the firm. 

FirstBank Insurance Agency, Inc



FirstBank Insurance Agency, Inc



Legal USVI:


Our Property, Auto, and Commercial Banking insurance products are offered through a strategic alliance with Marshall & Sterling Inc and Theodore Tunick & Company, allowing them to assume the role of leading provider. This is only a general description of coverage. For further information, you should consult your policy to know the terms, limitations, and general conditions. Insurance products are not deposits, not FDIC insured, not insured by other federal government agencies, not guaranteed by FirstBank or any of its subsidiaries, and may lose value.


Disclaimer of BVI unavailability:

The product is not available in BVI.

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